Am trying to figure out how to mount a cross-stitch Gail made years and years ago, and in the process keep getting distracted by Saipua's blog, and her links to P.M. Dawn lyrics. The joy I feel in knowing someone else besides my siblings and I who enjoy and share P.M. Dawn with people is inexpressible. I mean, come on - who doesn't love "Set Adrift the Memory Bliss"?
And otherwise, feeling a bit direction-less and uninspired. I used to walk but I don't feel safe walking around my apartment. It's great for gazing out of windows and enjoying RVA's skyline, but otherwise, I have to be alert all the time and aware. Have had a run-in with one sketchy character one too many to be otherwise. Maybe I'll bulk up and learn self-defense techniques. Or just out-crazy the crazies.
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