Saturday, February 14, 2009

2nd Anniversary of Being Not Alone

Valentine's Day IS fun when you've got a Ben. Every Valentine's before him, I'd morph into this very girly girl, and dress up to the nines - did my hair, put on makeup, wore a fabulous outfit and just live it. I never failed to get asked where and with WHOM was I going out with that night, and I'd always have to admit, "no one". I think I was a glutton for how miserable can I make myself, but damn it, if I'm going to be miserable, I'm at least going to look amazing doing it.

So, today, in stark contrast to V-Days past, I'm in jeans and a tshirt, flat hair, makeup-less and loving it. I cleaned furiously, and even rearranged the bedroom. AND, just stopped to pull the chocolate cake I'm making out of the oven.

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