Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday morning shenanigans

It's amazing what the lack of toilet paper can do to one's psyche. After discovering post-putting on pajamas/pre-getting into bed that the last roll of toilet paper was just about gone, I spent a sleepless mostly uncomfortable night waiting for morning when I could go get more. The situation was only worsened by two facts, one we shall call a "stomach issue" and one we shall call a "lady issue". Fun.

LandStagers has had an interesting past couple of days. We're working on a tree pruning project that was only supposed to take 4 hours to do, which with a rainy day on Ben's last "weekend" day, and then him returning to work fulltime, has evolved into 4 days, and now we're hauling away brush which we originally didn't have to. Sigh. I knew it was bad yesterday when Ben said, "I couldn't feel my upper body today". Always something you want to hear.

Plus, the housecapades continue. Rule #1: DON"T listen to people when they say things like: Buy a house, it's cheaper than paying rent! It's a great time to buy! etc and so forth. We have so far, (and we've just finished all our inspections and are impatiently waiting to see if the sellers will fix the things that need it) spent over THREE MONTHS RENT and we haven't even closed or have access to the house yet. Three months rent that we don't have and are graciously receiving from my parents. We also have already put in notice of termination on our apartment, and have to be out by August 31st. If all goes well (cross fingers, legs, rope) we'll close on Jenni's birthday (the 25th) and will have 6 luxurious days to move in. If not, well... we'll cry.

BUT, it's not all tears and sarcastic one word sentences. Things I'm really excited about are:
2. Walking around Lowe's pricing out dishwashers
3. Screen Doors
4. Not having to walk up stairs
5. Putting up different light fixtures
6. Knocking down a wall because I CAN
7. My very own parking space
8. becoming a DIYer

Generally, I just hope this house is worth it. We didn't and still don't buy into the idea that people HAVE to buy a house. It doesn't always make sense, especially if you don't have the fronting money to finance it. And if my parents weren't such enablers, we wouldn't be doing this right now. But, we're banking on the idea that this is an investment; that we bought a decent house in a great neighborhood, and it's going to be a step in the right financial direction for us.

Cross fingers.

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