Sunday, April 5, 2009

Having just renewed our lease for the next year, I've reacted in an unexpected way. With previous apartments, I've gone in with a plan, to decorate and execute as soon as I move in. With this one, it was all about making do. Have things in their place and a place for all things. Now, I want to build things! I want to install shelving! I might want to paint. Ben hopes I'll come around to painting, but honestly not there yet. Painting, for me right now, is like an ex-boyfriend I don't want to run into on the street, so I keep putting off frequenting the places I know he hangs out. Maybe with a few more counseling sessions, I'll be ready to confront him again.

So, I'm sketching and perusing the Lowe's and wishing Diversity had a website that updated daily. In other words, feeling a bit home-stuck and unwilling to put on shoes to leave. I did however blow dry my hair, and in moments of losing track of my thoughts, admire my profile in the tv screen reflection.

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