Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rainy Wednesday

Ben and I are getting a lazy night tonight for the first time in.....I lost count. I started a third job on Sunday, and though I don't work every night, Ben does...since his schedule changed on November 1st. We have about 2 hours awake with each other each day, and tonight we get some of those precious hours together.
Ben was shot down for a promotion at work, and I'm sincerely pissed. I drove home, staring at the rain pelting the road, and just felt defeated. I had a stupid pseudo-fight with a co-worker, and just felt like sighing the biggest sigh. I want to learn this lesson, take my spoonful of medicine and move on. I want both of us to be able to move on. To pay our bills and be able to buy groceries. Both! At once! To stop worrying about whether I disagree with my boss and if I'm going to be able to keep my job.
Here's the bright side: It's 8:24, I've had a glass of wine, and a bowl of ice cream, I hear the hum of our heater, the rain on the sidewalk outside, and in about a half an hour, I'm going to sleep. With my husband who loves me.