I'm obsessed with the show. I would love to have a close-knit, well-mannered family-that's-so-large you don't need friends. But then again, I wouldn't. But that's because I have fond memories of dinners at Friendly's with my sister and brother. While we sat at our own table and laughed our asses off at I don't remember what, my mom and dad would enjoy a quiet dinner and pretend not to know us at the table behind us. That's my family. We'll tease each other about anything, but let someone else make fun? Suckers gonna die that's what.
Back to the Duggars. I watched an episode where the two oldest girls get their wisdom teeth out, and Mom and Dad Duggar went with them to the oral surgeon, and Dad Duggar even walked younger Duggar into the dentist chair and held her hand until she passed out. That's super sweet. Super adorable. Great family support system. They really do love each other.
In the episode previous to that, the Duggars went to visit a local elementary school, and each Duggar was asked what they wanted to be when they grow up. All the boys gave answers along the lines of "a missionary" "a doctor" "a lawyer", while the girls gave answers along the lines of "I want to take classes in photography" "I want to take some classes in...." The boys are encouraged to BE something, the girls are encouraged to DABBLE. The emphasis for the girls is, meet Prince Charming, get married, be a mom and a housewife.
Um. What????
That's your whole purpose in life? Make babies? Be married? What about going out on your own? Or ok, get married, that's great! Marriage is wonderful. Having a family is wonderful. But what about learning other things? Having a CAREER? Why don't the girls want to be doctors? Or lawyers?
On a related note, every episode I've seen with Josh and Anna revolves around Josh doing something, Anna watching. Josh talking for Anna. Anna not sitting up straight. Josh and Anna kissing in front of their cousin Amy, while she's just stated she's trying to repect their beliefs and not kiss her boyfriend in front of Josh and Anna. Modesty for the girls, but the guys get to drive Jaguars and BMWs. The kids and Mom Duggar have to wake up and get things done, but Dad Duggar is the last to wake up. Sigh. I have a complex relationship with this show.
I'm so tired of Conservative Christians who put girls in a box. What f-ing year is this anyway? Put on some damn pants and stand up for yourself. Just because you want something different from your parents doesn't mean you don't love Jesus. Geeeeeez'm.