It's official. Like Marianne Faithful, I've tried diligently over the years to ignore Kate Bush. I'm here today to admit and wholeheartedly accept and proclaim my love for Katie. Dear readers, The woman is brilliant, and I can see other female singers' inspirations taken from Miss Bush. She has an unfortunate last name, though I do believe she has redeemed it for me.
Try Army Dreamers on for size.
Wait, even better:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I wanna know what love is...
I've just had a wonderful evening. So wonderful in fact, I can't fall asleep until I have blogged about it. It allllll started with Ben needing a raincoat....
narrated by: Sara Shirley
Ben looked up from the rerun of NCIS to ask, "Ready to go to Bass Pro?" Sara ungloriously shoved the last bit of buttery cous cous into her mouth and spurted, "Yeah!" , while adding a pumped fist. After some fumbling for keys and shoes and jackets and credit cards, they were out the door, headed out of their home city of Richmond, and into the vast and wide open lands of suburbia. Atlee, that is.
The night was cool, with the promise of "rasleetow", otherwise known as the Richmond version of a wintry mix. Though the previous days made the blossoms open up on all the pears and redbud trees, the following days would soon be filled with the news of bad drivers, car accidents and the unsteady weather reports that Richmond was known for.
But it was a clear night nonetheless as Ben and Sara wound their way into the Bass Pro shop parking lot and played on the boats for sale, all the while remarking loudly each time a customer passed that maybe "this boat is DEFINITELY the one for us" and "we'll call our broker in the morning to secure the funds".
Bass Pro served as the diversion these two tired youngsters needed on an otherwise dull evening. They stood in awe at the three-story fresh water tank. Sara took the opportunity to press her eye to the glass to star directly into the beady eye of a stationary striper, while Ben commented on the varied holding and floating patterns of fish.
It was after they found Ben's rainsuit and were headed to the checkout line that Ben fortuitously discovered that YES, this Bass Pro DOES have a saltwater tank and there it is! In a restaurant in the corner of the store! Ben and Sara rushed past the hostess and directly to the tank. The fish were beautiful; pink and orange, black yellow and white, polka dotted, and it didn't stop there. Color was not owned by the fish alone, for there was also living coral, growing from a manmade rock in just as many colors and shapes. While families dined, Ben and Sara gaped openly like children in front of a Christmas tree on Christmas morning. "We found a new place to hang out!" was Ben's avid declaration, and Sara wholeheartedly agreed.
Though Sara had poo-pooed the idea of ice cream on the way into Bass Pro, driving away, she quickly rallied Ben's spirits and they took a detour. Headed first for Chick-Fil-A, they instead discovered a place that not only inspired indetermined amounts of giddiness in Sara, but also opened a whole new world that she had previously thought she didn't want a place in - suburbia. So cheapened! So tacky! But yet, like a rediscovered Shannon song, IRRESISTIBLE. A Sonic, in all its newly constructed glory lay between the mall and the interstate, and they pulled in. What strange ways of ordering food! Look how fast! How marvelous! How the caramel sundae tastes strangely bland, but so much fun! Ben and Sara rolled up their windows, preferring jazz to the Sonic music station, and enjoyed the waitstaff on their roller skates, the teenagers out for fatty foods and social intercourse, and thought, "This is GREAT."
The moment of zen for the evening came when the radio station was flipped to Liberty FM, and Sara heard the opening strains to "I wanna know what Love is..." by the ever talented Foreigner. As they drove away into the night, back into their beloved city, Sara heralded Ben with the strains of the perfect song to end the perfect evening. *
*As a side note: ever noticed that when crappy bands want validation for their songs, the only reasonable way they seem to achieve it (instead of writing, oh I don't know, a BETTER song) is to pay a choir to sing back up vocals? Look how soulful I am! I bought a choir and they LOVE THIS SONG TOO.
narrated by: Sara Shirley
Ben looked up from the rerun of NCIS to ask, "Ready to go to Bass Pro?" Sara ungloriously shoved the last bit of buttery cous cous into her mouth and spurted, "Yeah!" , while adding a pumped fist. After some fumbling for keys and shoes and jackets and credit cards, they were out the door, headed out of their home city of Richmond, and into the vast and wide open lands of suburbia. Atlee, that is.
The night was cool, with the promise of "rasleetow", otherwise known as the Richmond version of a wintry mix. Though the previous days made the blossoms open up on all the pears and redbud trees, the following days would soon be filled with the news of bad drivers, car accidents and the unsteady weather reports that Richmond was known for.
But it was a clear night nonetheless as Ben and Sara wound their way into the Bass Pro shop parking lot and played on the boats for sale, all the while remarking loudly each time a customer passed that maybe "this boat is DEFINITELY the one for us" and "we'll call our broker in the morning to secure the funds".
Bass Pro served as the diversion these two tired youngsters needed on an otherwise dull evening. They stood in awe at the three-story fresh water tank. Sara took the opportunity to press her eye to the glass to star directly into the beady eye of a stationary striper, while Ben commented on the varied holding and floating patterns of fish.
It was after they found Ben's rainsuit and were headed to the checkout line that Ben fortuitously discovered that YES, this Bass Pro DOES have a saltwater tank and there it is! In a restaurant in the corner of the store! Ben and Sara rushed past the hostess and directly to the tank. The fish were beautiful; pink and orange, black yellow and white, polka dotted, and it didn't stop there. Color was not owned by the fish alone, for there was also living coral, growing from a manmade rock in just as many colors and shapes. While families dined, Ben and Sara gaped openly like children in front of a Christmas tree on Christmas morning. "We found a new place to hang out!" was Ben's avid declaration, and Sara wholeheartedly agreed.
Though Sara had poo-pooed the idea of ice cream on the way into Bass Pro, driving away, she quickly rallied Ben's spirits and they took a detour. Headed first for Chick-Fil-A, they instead discovered a place that not only inspired indetermined amounts of giddiness in Sara, but also opened a whole new world that she had previously thought she didn't want a place in - suburbia. So cheapened! So tacky! But yet, like a rediscovered Shannon song, IRRESISTIBLE. A Sonic, in all its newly constructed glory lay between the mall and the interstate, and they pulled in. What strange ways of ordering food! Look how fast! How marvelous! How the caramel sundae tastes strangely bland, but so much fun! Ben and Sara rolled up their windows, preferring jazz to the Sonic music station, and enjoyed the waitstaff on their roller skates, the teenagers out for fatty foods and social intercourse, and thought, "This is GREAT."
The moment of zen for the evening came when the radio station was flipped to Liberty FM, and Sara heard the opening strains to "I wanna know what Love is..." by the ever talented Foreigner. As they drove away into the night, back into their beloved city, Sara heralded Ben with the strains of the perfect song to end the perfect evening. *
*As a side note: ever noticed that when crappy bands want validation for their songs, the only reasonable way they seem to achieve it (instead of writing, oh I don't know, a BETTER song) is to pay a choir to sing back up vocals? Look how soulful I am! I bought a choir and they LOVE THIS SONG TOO.
All giddy because Thursday's the new Friday
This one comes to you live and in charge office. Yep, it's lunch break and soon I will be getting up off my duff in attempts to combat my ever-increasing ass.
The Aaron came in town last night, and Ben and I excitedly picked him up from the airport. Ben met him ON the jetbridge and I grinned and waved flailingly from the unsecured area with all the other peons. So, get ready for loads of fun, Horst family!! Party in the hizz-ous.
The Aaron came in town last night, and Ben and I excitedly picked him up from the airport. Ben met him ON the jetbridge and I grinned and waved flailingly from the unsecured area with all the other peons. So, get ready for loads of fun, Horst family!! Party in the hizz-ous.
Monday, March 2, 2009

More pictures. I mean, look at that - it's gorgeous! Back to reality tomorrow however, even though everything will still be icy and dangerous. I've had 5 consecutive days off work, and thoroughly enjoyed this morning. I LOVE the mornings - waking up at 6...:30...5, and though I got ready really fast - I sat back down and watched tv. Got up to make pancakes and "fakon", ironed shirts - just because I had the time, and loved every minute. Mornings are glorious when you don't have to work.
It's Official

Yes! I feel like a kid, all wild and free since I found out today's an official SNOW DAY. My boss called about 5 minutes after I woke up and told me the office was CLOSED today. Not just - make it in when you can, but CLOSED. Poor Ben though, he had to go in no matter what - so he drove my car in this morning, meaning I was stuck at home no matter what which is FINE by me. I'm so flipping excited, I'm going to eat some deliciousness known as waffles and drink a LATTE and put my boots on and walk around in the snow; under the pretense of taking out the trash.
Look at that beautiful snow. All covering the cars and shit. Beautiful.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
It's finally SNOWING
I've been reading so many posts from my Syracuse friend, Sara, about snow and now I get to post one. Ben and I decided right before the sun set to drive 30 minutes out to see his mom and have dinner with her. Probably wasn't the smartest thing, but we loved it. LOVED it. Petted the dog, I showed her my design for her courtyard, ate mexican, and drove back through almost blinding snow, following the tracks made by the cars ahead of us. And cursed the trucks and SUVs who zoomed past us (relatively) and shot snow onto our windshield. Richmond is finally being cleansed and the brownness and depressive winter is covered in a sweet white fluffy blanket of beauty. The one freaking snowfall of the year, and it's perfectly timed. If I cross my fingers long enough, there might even be snow delays in to work tomorrow. Unless I can make them myself...
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